Welcome reader to our new E-Jobs Blog, we decided to help the many at home searching for jobs and/or unemployed by providing and sharing with them the well researched information we have based on our field which as you will know is recruitment, business, training and HR services. Every week probably anywhere between one to three times a week we will be sharing via this blog and our email newsletter ways in which during this pandemic you can find work and/or find a job. Our first issue is on becoming a Freelancer. A freelancer is an individual who has a skill or set of skills that he or she can hand over to an audience or other individuals for a freelance fee/income.
So what are you good or even great at. With this newsletter, we will only be providing information from reliable and tested sources via our researchers and team. However, kindly note that this is simply that researched information put together to help you broaden your options as opposed to simply being home when you can skilled market yourself and put yourself out there to earn an income or at the very least try. We are here to help you do it by providing great ways that you can at the very least get some part time earnings and if done well greater possibilities await. This is entirely up to you, we are just here to provide the information.
How do you become a Freelancer?
Anyone can become a Freelancer once as said you have a skill(s) or knowledge or service that you can share or offer for a fee/price.
What are the qualifications to become a Freelancer?
There are no exact qualifications to become a Freelancer as it depends on your area of expertise or skill and therefore you should know the answer to this. For instance, if you are providing Legal Administrative Services, then you should have qualification at both an administrative level and some type of legal certificate or at the very least experience and training. Depending on how good your skills are deemed would validate how much you can offer them for but remember the market is competitive.
Become a Freelancer (Free)
Today we are featuring one of the biggest and best Freelance Service Companies around and the great news is that they are available globally so you can sign up for their site, it’s free to sign up, you can create a profile and begin by offering what ever services you have to companies. It's called Fiverr.
How do you get paid?
You get paid through Fiverr so the company or client that pays Fiverr secures the payment in advance and once you finish your tasks and you provide quality work, you get paid by Fiverr. It’s that simple.
Where will you work?
Where will you work? From home/online of course. Fiverr has been around along time. Why only apply to your local job market when you can apply to the Global Employment Market right from the comfort of your home.
Tips Of Course with anything you are doing online, exercise wisdom and of course, with everything once you are an adult the decision is completely up to you.
Go to Fiverr, check them out.